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Presenting... OUR FIRST SHOW!


There haven't been any 'January Blues' at RMB Dance, as we've been loving our time in the studio preparing for our first show!

The recent celebration of 2 years of RMB Dance seemed the perfect time to announce this exciting news! When I launched RMB Dance during lockdown, I never even dreamt that we would ever be in a position to put on a show. Actually it only became an idea towards the end of last year!

Starting our journey during lockdown means we've missed out not only on performance experiences, but even just the general aspects of being a dance school. The restrictions that existed during most of RMB Dance’s first year really limited how much we were able to form a proper dance school community. One class never saw another, and the parents couldn't speak to each other!

Slowly but surely, I've witnessed the children's social skills develop as they've secured firm friendships through classes and camps. With that has come a wonderful development of confidence, and enjoyment of small performances through our termly Class Presentations when it's a joy to have families in the studio. I now feel we're ready for more!

I really want the children to experience performing on stage, and feel a real sense of pride and celebration of everything they've achieved. The children are particularly excited to watch each other and see what other classes have been doing!

I think the part I'm most looking forward to is seeing everyone together. The children's parents/ families have supported us so much, and the children and I are so excited to put on a great show for them! Most importantly, we'll be using our joy of dance to raise money for the wonderful Edinburgh Children’s Hospital Charity, which I'll talk more about in a future blog post.

'Dancing on Rainbows' will take place on Saturday 13th May at the Columcille Centre and we can hardly wait!

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