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Class Assistants!


RMB Dance Class Assistants have been part of our classes for a couple years now. It started with 2 of our students taking on the role, and that number has recently increased. At present, we have 5 Class Assistants helping at some of our younger classes throughout the week!

These are 5 of our oldest dancers, and they've all been RMB Dance students for a long time. They're not mentioned often on our social media pages as they mostly prefer to stay out of the limelight! However, they're such a valuable part of our classes and I really wanted to highlight the incredible work they do.

If your child is fortunate enough to have one in their class, you might have seen them around or heard about them at home. They undertake various tasks as needed, from setting up/ tidying up equipment and helping the younger children practise moves, to practical jobs such as opening water bottles and tying shoe laces!

They've all settled into their roles so easily and are fast becoming popular faces among our younger dancers. I'm so impressed at their natural abilities in working with children, but I'm even more impressed at their willingness to do tasks, often without needing to be asked. Our Assistants who've been with us a while are becoming incredibly skilled at seeing when someone needs support and taking the initiative to do it independently.

Indeed, the reason I created this role was primarily to give our older dancers some work skills and an opportunity to experience dance teaching from my perspective. Part of my mission with RMB Dance is to equip all students with life skills, and the Class Assistant opportunity is a part of that.

Another reason is to develop the RMB Dance community and create flow between our different age groups. I've been interested to see how having Class Assistants adds another type of relationship to classes; it’s different from the relationship the children have with me, and also different from the one they have with each other. I'd say having the older dancers there is so inspiring for the younger ones, and gives them something to aspire to. Indeed, several of them have asked me when they can become a Class Assistant!

This is a voluntary role, so in doing this they can earn Saltire Awards - youth volunteer awards recognised by the Scottish Government. A couple of our assistants have achieved 50 hours already - such an awesome achievement at their age.

As well as attending their own classes as students, they all attend on an additional day to undertake the Class Assistant role. In most cases they're making their own way on the bus after school, spending an hour or two assisting, then taking the bus home. The fact they are happily volunteering this time to help me and our younger dancers really means a lot to me. I do hope they know how awesome they are!

Thank you, Class Assistants ❤️

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