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In a world where you can be anything, be kind

Kindness is a value at the heart of our classes. When I launched RMB Dance, I was determined to create a dance school that emphasised personal skills and values. Of course I want to teach dance skills, but more than that I strive for a school where the children learn, through dance, values that will serve them well in any aspect of life.

All my classes, even the very youngest, learn to encourage each other, listen and share ideas, and appreciate the efforts and abilities of others. As I say to our dancers often, all I ask is that they try their very best in every class and show kindness and respect to each other.

Recently, a wonderful incident at one of our classes proved to me my belief that dance classes can bring out the best in children.

At the end of one of our Street Steppers classes, one of our dancers announced he had a "special surprise". He then proceeded to present a sweet to another dancer he thought had done an "extra-good job" in class! The recipient was absolutely delighted and the giver had an equally big smile!

As a dance teacher, I have immense pride witnessing amazing, unprompted acts like this. And the best part is that this wasn't a one-off incident; our dancers show kindness so often. Whether it's clapping another child after their turn, helping a friend practise a move, or one dancer going out of their way to include another, I feel inspired by the lengths our dancers go to.

I'm so excited to continue developing our lovely community, and I'm even more excited for you all to witness it at our show in two months time!

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